UX Designer

We are looking for a UX Designer who has the ability to craft an excellent user experience by empathising with consumers. You would be required not only understand what they need but also how it works, so that you can design creative solutions right from day one and translate research into wireframes or prototypes which will then turn into products customers love using! This role requires strong independece as well as good communication skills.

Job Responsibilities for UX Designer

As a UX Designer, following would be your duties and responsibilities.

  • Conduct user research
  • Analyze data from user research
  • Identify design problems
  • Generate potential solutions to design problems
  • Create prototypes of designs
  • Test prototypes with users
  • Revise designs based on feedback from testing
  • Create detailed specifications for designs
  • Work with developers to ensure that designs are implemented correctly
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of designs after they have been implemented

UX Designer Salaries

The salary for a UX Designer can vary depending on the company, location and nature of their employer’s business. A person who works in this profession could earn between 8-10k USD per month.

UX Designer Job Qualifications

The basic qualifications required to be considered for the position of a UX Designer include:

  • 1. A bachelor's degree in a relevant field.
  • 2. One or more years of professional experience in a relevant field.
  • 3. A portfolio of previous work.
  • 4. Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • 5. The ability to work independently and as part of a team.
  • 6. The ability to take direction and feedback well.
  • 7. The ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure.
  • 8. Strong problem-solving skills.
  • 9. The ability to think creatively and come up with new ideas.
  • 10. The ability to use relevant software programs

UX Designer Skills Required

To be a UX designer needs to have both technical skills and interpersonal traits.

  • Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, UXPin, Invision, Sketch, Quartz, and Balsamiq
  • Knowledge and expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery
  • Understand and knowledge of UX standard
  • Work in cross-functional teams to understand product vision
  • Excellent IT and programming skills
  • Passionate to follow UX industry trends
  • Experience to design in international languages and complex product requirements
  • Accuracy and attention to detail
  • Ability to test usability and accessibility concern
  • Knowledge of the various industry practices
  • Knowledge of Human Computer Interaction Element Design

What to expect as a UX Designer

As a UX designer, it is important to be able work with various groups and departments in order for the design process flow smoothly.

  • Responsible for creating designs that improve the user experience of a product or service.
  • Have a strong understanding of human psychology and how people interact with products and services.
  • Able to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to problems.
  • Able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.